about mpc

- Tell their stories and communicate their key messages more effectively
- Generate additional income for long-term sustainability
- Secure corporate partnerships
- Build happy, skilled, high-performing teams united behind a clear and compelling mission
- Develop effective relationships with Government allowing their voice to be part of funding and policy decisions
- Secure exceptional and distinctive arts partnerships that deliver maximum value for money
- Deliver branding, profile, client networking, staff engagement and CSR objectives
After 30 years employed in the cultural sector helping arts organisations generate income, in October 2018, Martin Prendergast set up his own business. His specialist areas are communications, public affairs, sponsorship and development and he has worked with the National Theatre, RADA, Fane, the London Symphony Orchestra, Wilton’s Music Hall, Birmingham Hippodrome, Artichoke, Lightroom, and the Bolshoi Ballet, through M&C Saatchi Arts.
Martin’s entire career has been spent in the cultural sector, first at Guardian News & Media, and then for 11 years at the NT, where he was Deputy Director of Development and then Director of Communications.
As Deputy Director of Development at the National Theatre Martin had particular responsibility for corporate fundraising. By 2015 he had quadrupled corporate revenue to £4m per year and, with his team, he worked with some of the world’s most powerful brands to set up creative, high-value, long-term partnerships - brands that included Accenture, American Airlines, American Express, Aviva, Bank of America Merrill Lynch, Bloomberg, British Airways, Cisco, Coutts, Delta, Edwardian Hotels, ITV, Jaguar Land Rover, KPMG, Philips, and Travelex.
As Director of Communications at the NT Martin transformed their Public Affairs activity, putting them in a position of influence in Government, in active dialogue with the Prime Minister and Cabinet Ministers. Martin has active relationships with the Culture Secretary, Arts Minister, Private Secretaries and Special Advisors at Number 10, including the Private Secretary for the Department for Digital, Culture, Media & Sport.